Bluehost Web Hosting Help
Help Content Tagged Secure - 12 results 
How To Access cPanel - What You Need / Where To Find cPanel
How do I Access My Account Control Panel?
SSH Access
Is SSH/Shell access enabled by default?
What Is An SSL Certificate? How Much Is An SSL Certificate?
General Information about SSL Certificates
Shared vs. Dedicated IPs & Port Access
What is the difference between a Shared & Dedicated IP? How do I get Port Access? What type of SSL Certificate is right for me?
How do I use a secure FTP connection?
Comodo Positive SSL Certificate Seal
Where do I get a copy of the site seal for my SSL I purchased through Bluehost?
Purchasing or Renewing SSL certificates
How to renew an existing SSL certificate--or purchase a new one, within your cPanel
SSL Installation of Self-Signed Certificate
I need to have an SSL Self-Signed Certificate installed for my domain.
Password Protect a File
How do I Password Protect a single file on my website?
Slow FTP
Why does my FTP connection slow down?
WordPress Access with Maestro
You will be given a WordPress Administrator role once the site owner accepts your request. This article explains what level of access you will be provided once verified.
How to Add Websites with Maestro
Your Maestro dashboard only allows you to house sites you host with us. This article explains how to pull these sites into and request the ability to manage them from a single dashboard.