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Help Content Tagged Wordpresstools - 7 results RSS

WordPress - Blank White Pages

My install of WordPress has a white screen, what should I do to fix it?

Change WordPress URL's With WordPress Tools

This article will explain how to change the Site URL or Home URL setting in WordPress. This may be useful if you have moved your WordPress site or are planning to move your WordPress site.

Login to WordPress with WordPress Tools

This article will explain how to login to a WordPress site using WordPress tools.

Core Files Warning In WordPress Tools

This article will explain why you see "Your WordPress site appears to be infected with malware. Please update to remedy this problem."

How To Backup & Restore WordPress Using WordPress Tools

This article will explain how to use WordPress Tools to backup or restore your WordPress site

How to update your WordPress installation

How to update your WordPress site, using the WordPress tools

Managing Themes and Plugins with WordPress Tools

This article will explain how to manage WordPress plugins and themes using WordPress Tools.