Bluehost Web Hosting Help

Finding the URL of a File

If you want to share a web file with friends or the public, you first need to determine the path of the file.

  1. Login to FTP or File Manager and note the parent folder where your file is stored (normally the public_html folder).
  2. Double click the appropriate folder icon to navigate inside public_html. If you are unfamiliar with the File Manager, please look at our Navigating the File Manager article.
  3. If you see the file here, you are done. If you need to navigate inside more folders to find your file, note each folder. (Folder names are case-sensitive, so you must use the exact capitalization and spelling.)
  4. Once you locate your file, you should have noted the full path (a list of the folders you must go inside, respectively, to find that file).
  5. Now simply add the file name, exactly as it appears, to the end of the path. (File names are case-sensitive, so you must use the exact capitalization and spelling.)

    Here are some examples:

  6. Almost there! Now you just need to replace "public_html" with http and your primary domain name ( in the examples below).

    Same examples:

  7. Try to browse these URL's and you will see the file you uploaded.

URLs with Addon Domains and Subdomains

This can even be done for addon and subdomains. Just replace the public_html/subfolder/ part with the addon ( or subdomain name (

For example, if my addon domain is, and the document root for that domain is the subfolder /myblogdomain/ (inside public_html of course).

A path like public_html/myblogdomain/includes/Movies/bigjump.avi would become

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