Bluehost Web Hosting Help
How To Edit Website Files With The File Manager - File Manager Guide
You are able to use the File Manager to make changes to many of the files on your account. Please keep in mind that if you are using a dynamic website (Blog, CMS, Shopping Cart, ect) these instructions might not apply.
Finding the file name
For the URL:
The filename would be: page-name.html
Modifying files with the File Manager
- Log in to your Bluehost cPanel account.
- Under the Files and choose File Manager.
- Double click the public_html folder icon in the center section of the screen.
- Select the file for the the page you want to edit. Usually the homepage or default page is index.htm or index.html.
- After you select the file, you can right click on the file and choose Edit or Code Edit, or you can use the icons along the top of the screen to edit the file.
- The file should open in a new tab or window in your browser.
- Once done making your changes, click the Save button, located in the top right hand side of the window.
- It may be necessary to click Reload or Refresh on your browser to see the new version.

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