Bluehost Web Hosting Help

Purchasing or Renewing SSL certificates

SSL Certificates can be purchased and renewed directly from your cPanel.

How to Purchase a New SSL Certificate:

Please follow these steps to purchase a new SSL Certificate

  1. Login to your Bluehost Control Panel
  2. Click Addons, in the main header.
  3. Search for SSL in the "Search for addon" search box.
  4. Under SSL certificates, click the "learn more" button.
  5. Click the "add to cart" button for the SSL certificate that fits your needs.

On the following page you will need to choose the renewal option as well as the email address used to verify your SSL Certificate.

For added security measures we will send an email to the address chosen from the drop-down menu. In that e-mail, there will be a validation link to click on and a code to type in at that link

The SSL certificate will not be installed until this process is completed.

Here's a list of approved addresses:

  1. The email address listed as your WHOIS contact

If none of these addresses exist, don't worry; you can simply create them from Mail Manager, located in the Hosting tab., as shown here.

After you've followed the directions in the email, that's all there is to it! Your SSL will be automatically installed, configured and enabled for your use.

How to Renew your SSL Certificate:

From the available options, select "Renew Now." Your certificate will be added to the shopping cart, after which you'll be able to proceed through the Checkout process. SSL Certificates are $49.99, and require a Dedicated IP address before adding.

On the next screen, there is a drop-down box with a list of email addresses. As part of the validation process, you will need to follow the directions in an email sent to one of these addresses. This is a required security feature by the issuing SSL provider. Until these directions in the email are followed, the SSL will not be activated on your account.

Here's a list of approved addresses:

  1. Your email address listed in your profile

If none of these addresses exist, don't worry; you can simply create them from cPanel -> Mail -> Email Accounts, as shown here.

After you've followed the directions in the email, that's all there is to it! Your SSL will be automatically installed, configured and enabled for your use.

Knowledgebase Article 339,327 views bookmark tags: cert certificate layer secure security socket ssl

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